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Luton Borough Council

Care plans and reviews

Care plans and review help to make sure you are looked after properly.

Now that you are a looked after child (LAC) you will have a care plan and regular reviews, known as LAC reviews.

Care plans

What is a care plan?

When we get involved in looking after you, we have to write down what we will do to help you. This is called a care plan.

A care plan says what we are going to do to support your:

  • health
  • education
  • religion
  • culture
  • hobbies
  • contact with your family and friends

The plan might also say how your parents or guardians will help to look after you.

A care plan and placement agreement should be written within 10 days of you being taken into care.

Once they are written, you, your parents or guardians, and the people who are looking after you will be given copies.


What is a review?

A review is a meeting of the people who are involved in looking after you.

Everyone talks about the support that's there for you, how things are going and whether any changes are needed to the care you receive.

Your review will be chaired by an independent reviewing officer (IRO).

Your IRO will talk to you about your views and wishes concerning how you are being looked after and what plans are being made for your future care.

You can also write to your IRO or meet separately with them as part of your review, to help ensure you have time to say what you think and what is important for you.

After your review meeting, your IRO will send you a copy of their decisions and recommendations relating to your care plan.

Who goes to my review?

  • You do (if you want to), and you can bring a supporter or advocate
  • Your parents or guardians
  • Your social worker
  • The people who are looking after you
  • Education representative
  • An independent reviewing officer (IRO), who is in charge at the review

Sometimes other important people, such as your doctor or teacher, may be consulted as part of the review process about your progress and development. They do not usually need to be present at your review meeting though as they can provide written contributions.

We try to ensure your review meeting is small and informal so it is easier for you to feel comfortable about participating.

When will my review be?

Reviews should be held at a time and a place to make it easy for you to come along.

  • You will have a review within the first four weeks of being taken into care
  • Your next review will be three months after the first one
  • You will then have a review at least every six months while you are in care

Preparing for your review

Before every review, your social worker should meet you to help you prepare and think about what will be discussed.

They will produce a written report and should tell you what they have said in it about your progress and the plans being made for your future.

Completing your consultation document

The consultation document helps your independent reviewing officer know what your views are and what you think is important to talk about at your review meeting.

You should be sent a consultation document with the letter inviting you to your review meeting.

It is very important to complete this document properly.

You can get help from your carers or another trusted person. Your social worker can also help you complete your consultation document before the meeting.

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